
240 Mn PCs Functioning on Windows 10 May Become Inoperable after Oct. 2025

Canalys Research says that Microsoft's cessation of Windows 10 support could lead to the disposal of 240 million PCs.

DQC Bureau
New Update
Windows 10


Canalys Research reveals that Microsoft's cessation of Windows 10 support could lead to the disposal of 240 million PCs, generating a staggering 480 million kg of electronic waste. Despite potential operability, the lack of security updates may diminish demand. Notably, Microsoft intends to conclude support for Windows 10 by October 2025, raising concerns about the environmental impact and the fate of millions of PCs worldwide.


Microsoft has unveiled a strategy to offer security updates for Windows 10 devices until October 2028, with the associated annual cost kept undisclosed. This initiative extends the support lifespan for users who choose to continue with Windows 10, ensuring a secure computing environment for an additional period. The decision aligns with Microsoft's commitment to addressing the evolving needs of its user base and providing extended support options beyond the initial timeline.

Canalys suggests that if the pricing model for extended Windows 10 support follows historical patterns, opting for newer PCs might become a more economically viable choice. This could potentially lead to a surge in the disposal of older PCs, as businesses and users weigh the costs of extended support against the advantages of upgrading to more contemporary hardware. The observation underscores the complex decision-making process faced by individuals and organizations in balancing financial considerations with the desire for enhanced performance and security in the evolving landscape of technology.

By October 2025, Microsoft plans to cease support for Windows 10. This strategic move aligns with the anticipated launch of the next-generation OS, expected to usher in advanced artificial intelligence technology for PCs. The potential infusion of AI capabilities holds the promise of revitalizing the sluggish PC market, providing a fresh impetus for users to upgrade to cutting-edge systems. Microsoft's forward-looking approach signals a commitment to innovation and could reshape the computing landscape by introducing transformative features that enhance user experiences and drive the evolution of personal computing.

Recycled hard drives from personal computers and data storage servers play a crucial role in sourcing materials for electric vehicle motors and renewable power generation. This sustainable practice involves repurposing materials from obsolete or discarded hard drives to contribute to the manufacturing of components used in electric vehicles, fostering a circular economy. By extracting valuable resources from retired technology, the recycling process not only aids in minimizing electronic waste but also supports the production of key components for emerging technologies like electric vehicles and renewable energy systems, promoting environmental responsibility and resource efficiency.

"Turning end-of-life computers into the magnets that power sustainable technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines will help meet the rising global demand for electricity," said Noveon Magnetics Chief Commercial Officer Peter Afiuny.

microsoft windows-10 DQC Bureau