Mumbai-based printer and scanner sub-distributor Aarvee Computers is making hectic preparations for opening its new demo outlet. This store will be opened on January 15, 2005 in Mumbai. "It will not only have all HP and Epson products on display, but also demonstrations of their working will be carried out," said Vinod Mulchandani, CEO, Aarvee Computers. The entire range of HP and Epson scanners and printers will be put up.
The reason behind coming up with this demo zone is that dealers kept getting requests from end-users to see and feel and understand the working of these machines before purchasing them. The final purchasing can be done either from the dealer or the demo zone of
This demo zone is going to be completely branded by HP and Epson. The vendors have been very supportive for promoting this store.
Having a demo-zone would mean more number of customers walking in, with a chance to feel the product before purchasing it. "To cater to customers who will visit the store, we have recruited three to four sales executives. They are trained by HP and Epson themselves," informed Vinod. He further added that this is the only store of its kind for the northern suburbs
This is not the first time that Aarvee is pioneering for a demo zone in the suburbs. It was also the first to have an authorized service center for Epson some years back. For people of these parts of Mumbai to know of this store, Vinod has planned a series of advertisements for end-users to visit this place and see the machines they want to purchase.