Chennai-based solution provider Accel ICIM has undergone a name change with the company now being known as Accel ICIM Frontline. This comes as a result
of Singapore-based Frontline Technologies Corporation (FTC) acquiring 42% stake in the company earlier this year. FTC Chairman Steve Ting and CEO Lim
Chin Hu have also been inducted onto the board of directors at Accel.
Further, the new entity will do away with Accel ICIM's existing logo and adopt that of FTC. The company will shortly begin the exercise of making its
customers aware of the name change and also the value-added capabilities it can now offer due to partnership with FTC.
"With FTC's strength in the areas of infrastructure services, security, and a strong focus in the space of e-governance and education, we would now be
able to position Accel much higher on the value-chain ladder," says NR Panicker, Chairman and CEO, Accel ICIM Frontline.
The company, which has had flat growth for last three years (at Rs 156 crore), is now targeting 10-20% revenue growth in the current fiscal. "Also
the service component of our revenue will go up to 50% this year as against 35% last year," adds Panicker. He also shares that the company
instead of chasing volume business, will now focus largely on its top 1,000 enterprise customers (referred as E-1k).