The first-ever summit in Asia featuring the world's leading biometric
technologies, solutions and products will be held in conjunction with Global
Entrepolis @ Singapore 2004 on 13 October 2004. Organized by one of Asia's
leading provider of biometric solutions, IDLink Systems, this "Breakthrough
Technologies in Biometric Security for the Future" forum will gather market
leaders with the most avant-garde identification technologies and products and
internationally-renowned experts who will provide updates on the latest
technological trends and developments in the world of biometrics.
The forum will provide delegates with in-depth understanding of an extensive
range of topics including 3-Dimensional facial recognition technology,
world-wide biometric security standards, fingerprint biometric subsystem, IRIS
recognition technology, wireless biometric application and AFIS Livescan
fingerprint technology. The forum will also cover topics on how biometric
technologies have been applied in corporate and residential settings.
Amongst the line-up of speakers are Kelly Richdale, Founder and VP of
Business Development for A4Vision, who will talk about the 3-Dimensional facial
recognition imaging; Dr Yau Wei Yun, Chairman of the Singapore Biometrics
Technical Committee and Department Manager at I2R, who will discuss the
challenges automated fingerprint recognition faces; and Christopher Bian, CEO of
IDLink Systems, who will close the forum discussion with commercial applications
in the
current context in biometric system. Please refer to Annex 1 for biographies and
presentation abstracts of selected speakers.