
Corona Products - How to Know if Your Oximeter is Fake or Genuine

Corona Products - How to Know if Your Oximeter is Fake or Genuine to be able to sell a genuine product to the customer in these times

Archana Verma
Updated On
New Update

With the rise of the 2nd wave of Corona, many IT business leaders have begun to sell Corona-related healthcare products, as these are in high demand. Oximeter is a very important product in this category and practically every retailer is trying to sell oximeter. This is because in the 2nd wave of Corona, oxygen deficiency is a major complaint and many patients require oxygen support. Hence, doctors are advising everyone to regularly take their oxygen level reading daily, so that if they see a change in their oxygen level, they can contact the doctor well in time and get the necessary support.


Oximeter Readings

An oximeter is a small gadget with digital reading surface. When the index finger is inserted inside the gadget and the oximeter is switched on, the glass above the digital reader shows the pulse rate and the related oxygen level reading. Usually, readings of oxygen level of 95% and above are regarded as normal, though a healthy individual with no illness should display between 98% and 100%. If the reading continuously shows below 94% then the individual can think about asking for medical help. A reading below 90% is certainly critical.

With the rise in the demand for oximeter, we are also seeing many fake gadgets in the market and many of these are fake Chinese products. In this moment, when correct and proper medical support is critical, a seller must ensure that the oximeter s/he is selling is not fake. But how to know if the oximeter is giving accurate reading?


Which Oximeter is Genuine?

In order to know whether the oximeter is genuine, we need to do a simple test. Insert your finger inside and switch on the oximeter. If the reading panel shows the graph of the rising and falling pulse below the Oxygen level reading displayed as SPO2, then the gadget is genuine. But if the oximeter shows only the oxygen level reading with no graph of pulse below, then it's fake. Do not sell such oximeters.

Another test to recognise a fake oximeter is to insert the finger inside and take the reading. Now, keping the finger inside, tie a thread at the base of your index finger a little tightly, so that the flow of blood to the finger slows down. If the reading becomes less then the oximeter is genuine, otherwise it's fake.


We must also remember that an oximeter takes time to stabilise. So you may have to take approximately 3 readings to get the correct figures. It may also be possible that in the first trial you'll only get the reading with no pulse graph below. But in the 2nd or 3rd trial you may get the pulse graph below. So, it is advisable to get 3 readings to see if the pulse graph shows and if the stable reading shows.

Sellers of oximeters must take precautions to ensure that they are selling genuine product to the customers. This precaution is important to fight Corona.

See more here.
