
Elite Tier Partner Status to Blazeclan

Elite Tier Partner Status to Blazeclan from Snowflake for working on its Data Cloud platform for large and small organisations

DQC Bureau
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Smart Technologies

Blazeclan has announced that it has achieved Elite tier partner status from Snowflake, the Data Cloud company. As an Elite partner, Blazeclan can accelerate the digital transformation of its joint customers, who can fully leverage the performance, flexibility, and near-infinite scalability of the Snowflake Data Cloud.


“Blazeclan is proud to be a Snowflake Elite Partner. This recognition is the result of determined upskilling and extensive work done by our team to help joint customers migrate and modernise their data ecosystems through the Snowflake Data Cloud. I thank the Snowflake team for this recognition and look forward to further evolutions in our partnership,” says Varoon Rajani, Founder & CEO at Blazeclan Technologies.

Blazeclan and Snowflake are able to mobilise the world’s data with Snowflake’s Data Cloud by catering to the demands of organisations, whether they are getting started with the Data Cloud, looking to migrate from legacy to cloud data platforms, or requiring support in managing analytics workloads. A recent success story is of Porter, who sought Blazeclan’s support to create a Proof of Concept (POC) that facilitates Snowflake adoption for its data analytics workloads. Blazeclan’s POC not only enabled Porter to realise high performance and efficiency for its analytics workloads but also save 60% on storage costs. 

“Our customers organisations continue to process large volumes of data to power their applications and infrastructure. Snowflake’s mission is to collaborate with our partners to make this process more seamless. With Blazeclan leveling up to Elite status demonstrates their commitment to helping Partner, our joint mutual customers identify and resolve their big data challenges quickly by leveraging the Snowflake Data Cloud with Blazeclan’s proprietary data frameworks and accelerators. Congratulations to the Blazeclan team for achieving the Elite Partner Tier with Snowflake,” says Ash Willis, Regional Vice President, Partners and Alliances APJ, at Snowflake.  The Snowflake Partner Network unlocks the potential of the Data Cloud with a broad array of tools and partners. Certified partnerships and integrations enable customers to leverage Snowflake’s flexibility, performance, and ease of use to deliver more meaningful data insights. To become a Snowflake partner and get access to Snowflake’s self-service partner resources, visit the Snowflake website.


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