Empower The Inner You! The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could
Over the past few years, the stature of women in the society has been subject to many several changes. Earlier women were only perceived as homemakers and working outside the house in order to earn a penny was considered as the biggest taboo in the society. Their commercial workload was not even a part of the National Income. But slowly and gradually with the ongoing scenario, there’s a dynamic change in the picture.
In the present scenario, increasing presence of women in the business field as entrepreneurs has changed the demographic characteristics of the business and economic growth of the country as more and more women are taking up steps to pursue their dreams, ambitions and other entrepreneurial activities, especially in medium and small scale enterprises. Along with the socio- cultural barriers, women have overcome all negative concepts present in the society and proved themselves beyond doubt in all aspects of their life by withstanding all kinds of circumstances. They have gracefully been balancing the mix of both career and entrepreneurial ambitions with home, safety and social accountability with business and personal life.
These days you’ll see women almost in every vertical whether it is a C-suit job , a painter, a chef, a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer or be it a teacher. So, it is no more limited to those stereotypical norms that men can only do such jobs. There also have been many initiatives taken by the Indian government to subjugate the participation of women in society and stand for their rights such as Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Sabla, Priyadarshini, etc. that recognize the need for women to be part of the economic development in the societal spectrum.
“My failures have always taught me to grow stronger and better and I want to inspire other women through my learning’s and my experiences to grow on their professional as well as personal front. I want the women of today time to step out from their shoes in this world which is full of vulnerabilities, and grow as a shining gladiator. Most importantly my major focus is my work which makes me happier and also gives me a sense of stability, economic independence and creative freedom. ”Also I feel it’s vital for the society to know that women are beyond stronger than their imagination and have the capability to do substantial and pronounced tasks, all they need is a little support from their family and society itself.”-said Sarita Pansari, Director at Savera
Digital India. “Always remember it is imperative to first empower the inner you and thus you can empower anything in this world, summed Pansari.”
“Enthusiastic, dynamic, sedulous and versatile- best describes my wife Sarita Pansari. I really feel proud in saying that Sarita is my better half. I see her as a prodigious, diligent entrepreneur and a very responsible & caring wife. This is sheer magic that how she balances both her personal and professional life so well.”-said Gopal Pansari, Managing Director at Savera Digital Pvt.Ltd.
She is the Director of Savera Digital India Pvt Ltd and qualified Chartered
Accountant. Savera is one of the fastest growing IT distribution house in India.