Exploring opportunities further MediaTek and Google are partnering over Google Cast, an audio offering. MediaTek’s audio System on Chip (SoC), MT8507, will power a seamless home audio experience that can be easily connected with Google Cast Ready speakers and sound bars from their personal devices, such as iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and tablets, Macbooks, and Windows PCs using Google Cast Ready apps.
It will be compatible to a lot of sound streaming services like Google Play Music, YouTube, Pandora, Rhapsody, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, Rdio and NPROne, and many more.
“In this Internet age, consumers are demanding a connected audio experience. The ability to connect devices and listen to music in a seamless manner is a basic need now. MediaTek is a proud supporter of Google Cast for audio, and we continue to enable innovative new product categories while keeping our Everyday Genius brand promise,” said Mohit Bhushan, VP, GM and MediaTek’s Head of U.S. Business Development.
“Based on the success of Chromecast, we’re excited to expand the Google Cast ecosystem by working with a leading semiconductor company such as MediaTek to power audio devices,” said Suveer Kothari, Google Cast director, Business Development.
The MT8507 is the industry’s first connected audio SoC to support Google Cast for audio. Its differentiating features include a simple user interface, making it easy for users with any Google Cast receiver to connect with and to initiate audio streaming from their smart devices.