Biswas Nair, Founder & CEO, Inspirria Cloudtech talks to us about the evolution of Cloud technology and its impact on the MSME sector.
How is the MSME sector doing in terms of cloud adoption?
Biswas Nair - If you look at the general trends across the globe the cloud adoption is on an “accelerated” mode and Indian MSME sector is no exception. According to Gartner, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, the worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 18.4% in 2021 to total $304.9 billion. McKinsey & Company described the coronavirus pandemic as “The Great Acceleration” in June 2020, noting that “what we are seeing is a great acceleration of trends that existed before the crisis.” Cloud computing and the benefits it delivers for digital business were front and center in this acceleration.
Cloud led Digital transformation and its benefits are the new management strategy debated a lot in the board room meetings as it has been a race to alignment in these uncertain times for business, especially so for the MSMEs.
The main reasons for this popularisation of the Cloud is primarily because of the following demands -
- Business Continuity – In this pandemic times, cloud adoption peaked as it allowed business continuity with its redundancy and elastic models.
- Evolved Business Models - The flexible subscription model of Cloud along with quick implementation assisted the business to evolve to new business models to meet the growth in demand.
- Remote Working - The security and the adaptability of the Cloud solution assisted the quick implementation of the “Work from Anywhere” model for the business.
- Competitive Edge – It was a race to alignment for many a MSME who had kept the Cloud adoption to a later date, as it became a competitive edge to their offerings against their competitors to serve their customers better.
- Environment Sustainability - In the last 12 months, environmental sustainability has become a business imperative to win the confidence of customers, partners and governments. Organizations are adopting the public cloud to harness the benefits of carbon footprint reduction.
What Cloud offerings are the most popular in the MSME sector and in the enterprise sector?
Biswas Nair - While Cloud was initially adopted for certain essential features like High Availability, Scalability, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Automatic Software Updates, Flexibility etc, over the time, a lot of new features and services have emerged with the growing interest in the adoption of Cloud by various MSME and enterprises. The “Public Cloud” offerings for Cloud applications remain the most popular with adoption of the new age ERP systems especially the financial and inventory, CRM systems especially the service management and the E-commerce systems to meet the over enduring demands of the new age customers. There is also a renewed interest by the various governments to utilise private clouds for their various G2C initiatives in these pandemic times.
How has your cloud business done in last one year?
Biswas Nair - We at Inspirria Cloudtech are a decade plus Cloud Solution provider in SaaS space especially focusing on Oracle NetSuite Cloud Solutions. We have seen a spike of more than 100% growth in our customer acquisition in last 12 months especially driven by the MSME’s and specially spurted by the Start-Up’s who are looking for one Cloud application system like Oracle NetSuite to get a 360 degree view of their business. The agility they expect from their Cloud Applications is to take real time decisions from any location or any device and just not to get set of non-dynamic reports. There has been also growth in existing customer base wherein they have spread this Cloud adoption to other subsidiaries across the globe as well as other sister concerns.
Have you faced any challenges in your cloud business?
Biswas Nair - No organisations have been untouched by the pandemic and the sudden “Work From Anywhere” as a new concept had it’s own adoption challenges for our team members, especially, the reliability and security of the Internet service provider at home. Secondly, finding skilled talent for the surge of Cloud business has caused an intriguing situation in these difficult times. Lastly, The “Digital Transformation” journey, involves a significant investment, a mindset shift and specialized talent at our client’s end. To derive maximum value from cloud investments, the business leaders from both enterprise and MSME, need to invest in Cloud ready internal IT resources and be more agile to operate their business process.