
Interaction - <strong>Pinkesh Kotecha, Chairman and MD, Ishan Technologies</strong>

Interaction - Pinkesh Kotecha, Chairman and MD, Ishan Technologies on cost cutting while oprating on Cloud

Archana Verma
New Update
Pinkesh Kotecha

Pinkesh Kotecha Chairman and MD Ishan Technologies 1 copy

Pinkesh Kotecha, Chairman and MD, Ishan Technologies talks about cost cutting while operating on Cloud.


What are the ways to have complete visibility into Cloud costs to identify areas of overspending?

Pinkesh Kotecha - As Cloud services become indispensable for businesses in India, the surge in demand is fuelled by the country's flourishing start-up ecosystem, the government's Digital India initiative and a broader pivot to Cloud-centric solutions across industries. However, concerns arise as the average expenditure on cloud services in India increases, leading to a heightened need for organisations to gain complete visibility into their cloud costs.

To mitigate this, organisations can deploy dedicated Cloud cost management tools that provide centralised oversight of usage and expenses across various services. Regular cost analysis and optimization efforts are essential, allowing businesses to discern patterns and optimise resource allocation based on usage trends and specific requirements. Establishing budget alerts and notifications ensures real-time updates, preventing unforeseen expenditures. Leveraging tagging and metadata facilitates accurate cost allocation, categorizing resources for enhanced tracking. Monitoring resource utilisation is key to identifying underutilised assets and optimising allocations. A centralised Cloud cost governance framework ensures consistent and effective management. Cloud cost optimisation tools and regular audits aid in uncovering inefficiencies and areas for potential reduction. Analysing usage patterns and performance metrics allows for targeted optimisation efforts. Real-time monitoring tools and alert systems provide continuous tracking and immediate notifications of potential overspending, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and optimise their Cloud expenditure effectively.


What are the leverages used by Indian ICT players to excel in Cloud?

Pinkesh Kotecha - Indian ICT players have strategically positioned themselves as key contributors to the global Cloud services landscape by leveraging a multifaceted approach. Partnering with hyperscalers such as AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure to leverage the best of Cloud practices. Also driving certifications and investments in internal teams, India ICT players ensure expertise in implementing and managing Cloud solutions effectively.

By emphasising innovation and customisation, Indian players offerings meet diverse business needs thereby securing a competitive edge. Another factor is leveraging the cost-effectiveness of India's labour market, provide attractive pricing for Cloud services without compromising quality, particularly appealing to small and medium enterprises. A robust global delivery model, offering 24/7 support across different time zones, enhances  competitiveness in the global market. The expansive growth of India's ICT sector, projected to reach USD 421.59 billion by 2028, is fueled by a commitment to innovation, global partnerships and a skilled talent pool, positioning Indian ICT players as significant contributors to the digital era's challenges.


How can the smaller businesses keep the post-installation and operational costs of running Cloud low?

Pinkesh Kotecha - Smaller businesses can effectively manage post-installation and operational costs when embracing Cloud solutions through strategic steps. First, it's crucial to identify applications suitable for Cloud migration. This involves assessing their adaptability, potential increase in bandwidth costs and workload scalability on the cloud platform.

Understanding the exact Cloud needs in alignment with workload is pivotal. Over-provisioning must be avoided, considering the inherent elasticity of cloud applications. This elasticity ensures scalability in tandem with increased workloads, allowing for payment solely based on usage without unnecessary overprovisioning costs.


Post-installation, having an in-house Cloud expert within the IT team proves immensely beneficial. This expert can navigate the complexities, optimise resources, and manage operations efficiently, aiding in cost control and effective utilization of cloud services.

Moreover, it's wise for SMEs to explore beyond the conventional hyperscalers when selecting a Cloud platform. Opting for a Cloud platform that not only meets their needs but also offers bundled solutions catering to bandwidth and recurring costs can be advantageous. Services with Bundled volume data can effectively manage bandwidth expenses while simultaneously addressing the platform's recurring costs.

By strategically identifying applications, understanding workload requirements, avoiding over-provisioning, having in-house expertise, and selecting a cloud platform tailored to specific needs, smaller businesses can effectively control post-installation and operational costs while maximising the benefits of Cloud computing


With the evolving Cloud technologies, how can the newer techs be installed without increasing the budget?

Pinkesh Kotecha - To keep the budget in check, businesses can initiate small-scale pilot programs to test new technologies before full-scale adoption, enabling them to assess benefits and challenges without significant financial commitments. Leveraging open-source Cloud solutions provides cost-effective alternatives to proprietary technologies, fostering flexibility and community-driven innovation. Embracing cloud-native development practices prioritises scalability and efficiency, with containers and microservices architectures enhancing resource utilization and streamlining deployment, thereby reducing operational costs. Exploring optimized licensing models offered by cloud service providers, such as pay-as-you-go, reserved instances, and spot instances, ensures flexibility in aligning costs with actual usage. Additionally, businesses can benefit from managed services provided by Cloud vendors, reducing the operational burden on internal teams and allowing them to focus on innovation without significantly impacting the budget. Investment in automation and orchestration tools streamlines deployment and management processes, enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing errors. Prioritising training and upskilling of existing teams ensures proficiency in the latest cloud technologies, enabling more effective implementation and management. Strategic partnerships with technology vendors or service providers can offer access to early-stage technologies at reduced costs, promoting collaborative initiatives. Implementation of Cloud cost optimisation tools provides insights into resource usage, identifies areas for improvement, and enables efficient budget allocation for new technologies.

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