
Interaction with Anthony Lange, Global Partner Officer, Sonata Software

In an exclusive interview with DQ Channels, Anthony Lange, Global Partner Officer, Sonata Software, reveals their partnership driven plans.

Bharti Trehan
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Interaction with Anthony Lange Global Partner Officer Sonata Software 2 1

In an exclusive interview with DQ Channels, Anthony Lange, Global Partner Officer, Sonata Software, talks about how partnerships have been integral to the company’s business strategy and its proposed partnership-driven growth plans.

  1. Can you briefly throw light on some of the current key partnerships at Sonata?

Sonata Software, a leading global modernization engineering company, creates strategic partnerships to provide digital transformation solutions for businesses worldwide. Here are some of Sonata's current significant partnerships: Microsoft, SAP, AWS, and Snowflake.

2. How have partnerships contributed to Sonata's revenue pool, and what significant growth has been observed in the last few years?


Partnerships have been integral to Sonata's business strategy. Collaborating with technology giants like Microsoft, SAP, and AWS, Sonata has been able to offer its customers state-of-the-art digital transformation services. 

a. Microsoft: Sonata's strategic partnership with Microsoft has been pivotal in expanding its revenue pool. As a global partner, Sonata leverages the extensive suite of Microsoft products, including Dynamics 365 and Azure, providing digital solutions to clients worldwide. This strong alliance with Microsoft has made Sonata a preferred choice for businesses seeking Microsoft-based IT services, significantly contributing to Sonata's growth.

b. SAP: The collaboration with SAP has empowered Sonata to offer services in enterprise management, customer relations, and data analysis, boosting its revenue streams. This partnership has enabled Sonata to service a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retail, and supply chain.


c. AWS: By partnering with AWS, Sonata has been able to diversify its portfolio of IT services, further driving its revenue growth. These partnerships have facilitated Sonata's expansion into areas like cloud migration and management, cognitive business operations, enterprise resource planning, and database technology.

Moreover, these partnerships have not just contributed to a larger revenue pool but have also facilitated Sonata's growth by increasing its credibility and widening its market reach. The backing of such tech giants has amplified Sonata's reputation, attracting more clients and leading to greater revenue growth. 

3. What are the Sonata Software Partner Ecosystem Expansion plans?


 Sonata’s partner expansion strategy includes:

a. Strengthening Existing Partnerships: Sonata seeks to deepen relationships with existing strategic partners such as Microsoft, SAP, and AWS. This involves gaining expertise in these partners' latest offerings, engaging in collaborative development initiatives, or joining in joint go-to-market efforts.

b. Cultivating New Partnerships: Sonata is also establishing new partnerships, potentially with emerging tech vendors or firms that offer complementary capabilities. This will allow Sonata to broaden its service offerings and reach new markets.


c. Geographical Expansion: Sonata is expanding its partnerships in high-growth regions or underserved markets. This enables Sonata to extend its global footprint and access new clientele.

d. Industry-specific Expansion: Sonata also plans to extend its partnerships in specific industries with high growth potential. This will enable Sonata to use its industry-specific expertise and solutions to deliver value to clients in these sectors.

e. Embracing Emerging Technologies: Considering the fast-paced evolution of technology, Sonata plans to form partnerships that bolster its capabilities in emerging tech fields like AI, machine learning, IoT, or blockchain. Ensuring Sonata stays abreast of technological innovations, enabling it to offer state-of-the-art solutions to its clients.


These strategies align with Sonata's strategy of enhancing its capabilities, deepening partner relationships, and staying ahead of technological advances.

4. What is Sonata's strategy for strengthening partner co-sell activities and expanding its market reach?

a. Leveraging Strategic Partnerships: Sonata is deepening its strategic partnerships to drive co-selling activities.  Strengthening these partnerships naturally involves aligning closely with these partners' roadmaps and focusing on areas of mutual benefit through co-sell activities.


b. Training and Upskilling: Continuous training and upskilling of the team in partner technologies is a critical part of the strategy. This allows Sonata to ensure its sales and technical teams are well-versed in their partners' latest offerings, thereby increasing their effectiveness in co-selling activities.

c. Joint Marketing Initiatives: Sonata is increasing its investment in joint marketing initiatives with its partners. These included co-branded webinars, joint case studies, and shared content marketing initiatives, all of which raise awareness and generate leads for co-selling activities.

d. Focused Solutions for Specific Industries: Sonata is developing and showcasing focused solutions for specific industries. By leveraging our expertise in sectors like retail, travel, HLS, bfsi, and distribution, Sonata is building relevant and compelling offerings, thereby increasing its appeal to potential customers.

e. Exploring New Technologies: Sonata is also focusing on emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning, and IoT, among others. Building capabilities in these areas, in partnership with their technology partners, to open up new opportunities for co-selling.

5. What benefits does Sonata expect to gain from a diverse range of partners, including large ISVs, platforms, and startups?

 a. Expanded Service Offerings: By partnering with a diverse range of organizations, Sonata expands its portfolio of services. Large ISVs and platforms offer robust, widely-used solutions, while startups provide innovative and niche solutions, broadening the range of challenges Sonata can help its customers overcome.

b. Innovation: Startups are often at the forefront of technological innovation. By partnering with them, Sonata will stay abreast of the latest developments in the tech sector, ensuring that their offerings remain current and competitive.

c. Market Penetration: Partnering with large ISVs and platforms boosts Sonata's reputation and provides opportunities to enter new markets or deepen our presence in existing ones. These partnerships come with an increased level of brand recognition, aiding in customer acquisition and retention efforts.

d. Learning and Development: Collaborations with a diverse set of partners offer learning opportunities, helping Sonata better understand different technologies, business models, and market segments. This enhances our strategic planning and decision-making processes.

e. Scalability and Flexibility: A varied partnership ecosystem allows Sonata to be more flexible in its service delivery, as it can leverage the strengths of different partners to meet specific customer needs. This also helps scale solutions quickly when needed, thanks to the ready availability of partner resources and technologies.

f. Competitive Edge: In an increasingly competitive global market, having a wide range of partnerships provides a competitive edge. It assures customers that Sonata can provide comprehensive solutions, backed by the expertise of various industry leaders.

g. Risk Mitigation: Diversification of partnerships is also a risk mitigation strategy. If one partner faces challenges or their technology falls out of favor in the market, Sonata can rely on other partners to ensure service continuity.

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