How is the Li Fi technology evolving?
Lifi is inching towards commercial adaptation by sectors like telecom, defence, oil and gas etc. Due to its strong security features it has been well placed as a future of wireless communication for defence sector. Its capabilities to resolve last- mile connectivity issues, reduced carbon footprint and provide congestion free spectrum makes it ideal for telecom sector to consider as an alternative to be used to RF in areas where data connectivity struggles due to congestion issues and ROW (right of way) challenges makes it difficult to lay down fibre cables.
Do you invest in R&D of Li Fi or do you collaborate with the MNCs to get this technology in India?
We are a completely indigenous solution and aligned with the Make in India vision. A significant part of our fundraising is invested in R&D and creating intellectual properties (IPs). We were recently granted a patent for the EU, making us one of the only few companies globally to hold an IP in this domain. We are also thankful to the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) and Ministry of Defence (MoD) for helping us with grants and resources to strengthen our technology.
How far have you progressed in developing this technology?
After over six years of intense research and hard work by our team, we launched our commercially viable product last year. We are currently conducting proof-of-concept trials with telecommunications and enterprise customers both in India and overseas. We’ve been successful in driving orders from both the defence and telecommunications sectors. We were also recently awarded a grant by the Ministry of Defence to strengthen secure wireless solutions for the Indian Navy.
How is the market evolving in India and in other countries regarding Li Fi products?
There is a strong push in Europe, the US and Southeast Asia from governments to explore the commercial viability and implementation of LiFi technology. Recently, one of our overseas competitors secured a 10-million-dollar grant to be invested in R&D and also received a significant order from the US defense sector, which is great news as it proves the reliability of the technology. In India, we are primarily focused on resolving last-mile connectivity issues faced by the telecommunications and defense sectors. We now have a commercially viable plug-and-play solution that can resolve last-mile connectivity issues up to 3 km, providing an aggregated data rate of over 1 Gbps.