
IT Secure launches Barracuda anti-spam firewalls

DQC News Bureau
Updated On
New Update

IT Secure, a specialist security solution provider, has launched the

Barracuda range of anti-spam appliances. This will be sold exclusively through

the IT channels in India to corporate customers. This solution is in addition to

the SpamStopsHere's anti-spam service provided by IT Secure mainly for the



According to Peter Theobald, CEO, IT Secure, small enterprises have responded

well to the SpamStopsHere service. However, large corporates were not

comfortable with a third-party anti-spam service, as it requires them to change

the MX record of their mail server. They feared invasion of privacy of their

mails while coming through a third-party service. "Barracuda dispels such

privacy fear as it sits within the company network stopping spams and

viruses," said Peter.

Spam is the prime burning issue among all corporates. With the volume of spam

reaching enormous levels, email usage is becoming increasingly unproductive,

with time, money and effort being wasted to deal with the junk mails. All

corporates want a solution to this problem, which provides a good solution to

the problem, which does not 'eat up' good mails and does not cost the earth

the first year and every year thereafter.


Barracuda to block up to 98% of spam, with very low false positive rate


With 10 levels of defense, Barracuda is able to block up to 98% of spam, with

a very low false positive rate and offer effective email virus protection as

well. Even the entry-level appliance can handle up to 1000 users, going up to

more than 25000 users for the higher end models. It has capability to scan and

block virus infected emails as well. The Barracuda Spam Firewall 300, can handle

up to 2000 users, and is priced below Rs 3 lakh - which makes the per user cost

Rs 150.

Installation of Barracuda products takes less than 30 minutes since it is a

plug and play solution, compatible with all mailing systems and does not require

any significant changes to your mailing architecture. The product will be

available to the channel from January 2005. IT Secure provides telephonic/email

and next business day replacement support to the channel.

For now, IT Secure is offering a 'Try and Buy' for Barracuda appliances.

If a customer is interested in the product, at its features and price point, we

install the same at his location for three days.


