
Kobian unfurls brand new cabinets

DQC News Bureau
Updated On
New Update

Kobian announced the launch of their latest casings, Xpress series. Mercury

Xpress cabinets are designed for the value segment consumers. Mercury Xpress

cabinets are powered with Mercury SMPS and it carries a three-year warranty at

all Kaizen service centers.


The Xpress series cabinets come in attractive color options of black, silver

and red.

These latest Xpress series of Mercury cabinets include features like 450W

power supply, high-speed USB 2.0 and audio in front I/O and high-speed rear fan

for an optimum temperature regulation and create an optimum environment for the

efficient work of the PC.

The Mercury Xpress cabinets are available across country with the Kobian's

national distributors, Inspan Infotech and Salora International.
