
'M' Bole To Magic: Sanjay Zadoo, Vertiv

Magic Rapid Fire With Sanjay Zadoo, Country Manager - Channel, India – Vertiv.

Anushruti Singh
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Sanjay zadoo, vertiv, rapid fire

Rapid Fire With Sanjay Zadoo, Country Manager - Channel, India – Vertiv.

  • Belong to place: Paradise on earth - Kashmir
  • Studied at: University of Pune
  • Company: VERTIV (Vertiv Energy Private Limited )
  • What is your ideal day: An ideal day for me would be filled with productive and exciting endeavors
  • What drives me the most: My passion and hunger to achieve my goals
  • What are the most important three things in my life: My family, friends and my job
  • Favorite Gadget: Smartphone
  • Favorite food: Anything which is nutritious and tasty
  • Favorite holiday destination: My native place – Kashmir
  • What are things I like to do alone: Self-refection & Self-evaluation
  • Last book I read: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Dr. Stephen R. Covey
  • If I could eliminate one thing from daily schedule, what would it be and why: I’m neurotic about being on-time and on-schedule. I like my day to be planned so that I can prioritize my hours to be most productive version of me every day.
  • Which letter of the alphabet describes me best, how: M for magic because my surname is Zadoo
  • Most memorable Event: When I was blessed with a baby girl
  • One thing I like to change in myself: Restlessness
  • I never get tired of ___ ? Challenges
  • 5 years down the line I would be: Older, wiser, and spiritually awakened
  • If not in IT industry, I would be: A boxer or a cricketer
  • Advice to budding Entrepreneurs: I believe that every individual is on a path to self-discovery, that is only achieved after having been through enough trials and tribulations. I believe in being humble and in letting everyone finding their own approach to the challenges they face.
  • What's my motto in life: Be a good human being and a passionate leader
vertiv magic kashmir rapid-fire