
Maharashtra Govt Allows Cloud-Datacentre-IT Services as Essential

Maharashtra Govt Allows Cloud-Datacentre-IT Services as Essential services in the wake of mini lockdown because of Corona

Archana Verma
Updated On
New Update
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DQ Channels reported earlier that ASIRT and ISODA had requested the Maharashtra govt to allow IT services in the list of essentials in the wake of mini lockdown in Maharashtra as a result of the second wave of Corona outbreak there. In the earlier post, it was reported that the two partners associations were awaiting the decision by the Maharashtra Govt in response to their request.


Now, DQ Channels has been informed that Maharashtra Govt has allowed the IT services as essential in their revised circular. The essential IT services include Cloud services and datacentre services in addition to other, regular IT services.

The Maharashtra govt's circular signed by Sitaram Kunte, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra. The copy of the govt circular is reproduced below -





The Maharashtra govt released this order on 5th of April 2021. ASIRT and ISODA had joined hands to draft letters and apprise the government of the problems faced by the people because of IT services not readily available because of lockdown.



“ASIRT played the lead in getting IT services as a part of essential services."

--Tushar Parekh, Chairman, ASIRT


"Thankfully, the government understood our needs and added our services to the essentials list.”

--Mamidanna Rajeev Patro, Chairman, ISODA

In a separate communication with DQ Channels, it came to light that TAIT had also been contacting the govt in context of IT services getting included in the essentials list.


It is worth noting that Maharashtra didn't want to impose a full lockdown like in 2020, as it ruined the businesses and livelihood of the people. Taking cognizance of the hardships faced by the people as a result of a full lockdown, a mini lockdown was imposed in Maharashtra, which has seen the highest rise in Corona cases in India. This time the Corona has shown many new strains, which are more dangerous than the earlier strains that had come in 2020.

The efforts of the partners and the willingness of the govt to listen to their requests immediately are both much appreciable.

Since Delhi is now showing a high rise of Corona cases, this is a good example for the Delhi govt to include IT services in the essentials.


--Dr Archana Verma 

--Ayshwaria Lakshmi

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