
Making your company a viable prospect for investors

DQC Bureau
New Update


It is an era when solution providers

are making innovations, undertaking new challenges and executing

outstanding projects. Involving into such tasks require fund

assistance and third-party investments. Investors are right there in

the market, but solution providers have to be smart, capable and

presentable enough to grab the attention of those investors. Giving

insight on the ways solution providers can utilize to grab the

attention of investors, Prof Wong Poh Kam, Chairman, Business Angel

Network, South East Asia had extensive talks with SPs and shared his

knowledge in this domain during the SP Summit organized by DQ

which was held in Bangkok.

While speaking to the partners he said,

“To get attention of the investors, entrepreneurs need to give

maximum emphasis on their business plans that are attractive enough

to lure them. They should focus on scaling the existing business and

should have the flexibility to diversify into related businesses.

Partners have to be ready to take or get into new products, services

and new business models. Once the planning is done, the mode of

execution should be in a superior way and if required there should be

strategic partnership also.” He mentioned that in order to attract

the investors, one has to perform better than others and there should

be enough scope for innovations and acquisition strategies. “Service

enables you to leverage the scope of getting investors' attention.

Acquisition of small companies helps the partners to increase its

reach. It also enables them to expand their presence and opens new

space for growth. Partners should know the skill to generate surplus

cash out of the available resources. The idea is to invest on clients

who maximize the funds by allocating them in the right direction. The

whole objective is to strengthen the areas of the client that are

weak and need assistance to build up,” he said.

Further speaking on the class of

clients that investors are seeking to invest, style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;">Prof

Wong Poh Kam said, “We look at people who are in their early

stages and have just started their venture. We target those companies

that have fresh strategies and fresh ideas but have less revenue.”


Elaborating on the success story of his

clients, he mentioned that there are a fair number of individuals who

are now successful and have got a lot of variations from where they

had started. Replying to the query of the SPs on the ratio of

investment, he clarified that ratio depends on the time frame and it

can vary from three times to five times. The price earning ratio also

depends on the industry in which the client is involved.

Giving his view on the investment

prospects, KV Jagannath of Choice Solutions mentioned that if funding

is an encouraging part of this business, then the exit path of

investors is a discouraging part. Talking about the prospect of

investment on system integration business, Prof Wong Poh Kam said

that solution providing is a highly competitive business and is bound

to grow in future. The number of players in this business has

increased and their reputation is high. He ended his note by saying

that partners are also seeking investors who are willing to pump in

money into their companies but they have to be competent and

strategic enough to have fresh business plans and ideas in order to

capture investments from Business Angel Network.
