
Managed Security Services: Solution Champ-Essen Vision Software

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Solution Champ: Essen Vision Software 

Essen Vision Software, set-up in April 1995 at the financial center of India, Mumbai, is today a leading system integrator in the area of Enterprise Security and Network Management. In its evolution as a system integrator, this company has developed security as a service-oriented space with a highly specialized approach. Specialization is the core of the security business along with numerous certifications which has enabled it to further increase its overall margins.

Currently, it has managed to have more than 10 professionals certified in technologies such as firewall, DLP, IPS, IDS, web security, load balancing and application acceleration.


Essen Vision today employs a dedicated team of 43 professionals specializing in Technical and Marketing skills. Of these, a core team of 21 executives specialize only in security products. In addition, it has strategic alliances in 68 cities and remote locations to cater to the customer's support requirements.

In the last year, the company has successfully separated its support into professional security services wing which includes services like conducting security audits, suggesting solutions, ensuring compliance and providing post-sales support. The focus is on services around endpoint, data, network and server security and compliance.

Meet Managed Security Services champ 'Essen Vision Software' at SP Summit 2014
