
Cerebras and G42 launches Condor Galaxy 3 - AI Supercomputer Series

Cerebras Systems and G42 have revealed the creation of Condor Galaxy 3 (CG-3), a new addition to their AI supercomputing series. CG-3 is the third cluster in the Condor Galaxy constellation, consisting of 64 of Cerebras' newly introduced CS-3 systems.

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Cerebras and G42 launches Condor Galaxy 3 - AI Supercomputer Series

Condor Galaxy 3 by Cerebras and G42

Cerebras Systems and G42 have unveiled the creation of Condor Galaxy 3 (CG-3), the latest addition to their AI supercomputing series. This collaboration between Cerebras Systems and the technology holding group based in Abu Dhabi marks a new advancement in generative AI acceleration.


CG-3 is the third cluster in the Condor Galaxy constellation and boasts 64 of Cerebras' newly introduced CS-3 systems, each powered by the cutting-edge Wafer-Scale Engine 3 (WSE-3), renowned as the industry's fastest AI chip. With 8 exaFLOPs of AI performance and a staggering 58 million AI-optimized cores, Condor Galaxy 3 promises to revolutionize AI computing capabilities.

Through the strategic collaboration between Cerebras and G42, Condor Galaxy 1 and 2 have already provided a remarkable 8 exaFLOPs of AI supercomputing prowess. These installations, positioned among the world's largest AI supercomputers, represent a significant achievement. With Condor Galaxy 3 now operational in Dallas, Texas, the collective capacity of the Condor Galaxy network reaches an impressive 16 exaFLOPs.

“With Condor Galaxy 3, we continue to achieve our joint vision of transforming the worldwide inventory of AI computing through the development of the world’s largest and fastest AI supercomputers,” said Kiril Evtimov, Group CTO of G42. “The existing Condor Galaxy network has trained some of the leading open-source models in the industry, with tens of thousands of downloads. By doubling the capacity to 16 exaFLOPs, we look forward to seeing the next wave of innovation Condor Galaxy supercomputers can enable.”


At the heart of Condor Galaxy 3 are 64 Cerebras CS-3 Systems. Each CS-3 is powered by the new 4 trillion transistor, 900,000 AI core WSE-3. Manufactured at TSMC at the 5-nanometer node, the WSE-3 delivers twice the performance at the same power and for the same price as the previous generation part. Purpose-built for training the industry’s largest AI models, WSE-3 delivers an astounding 125 petaflops of peak AI performance per chip.

“We are proud that our newly announced CS-3 systems will play a critical role in our pioneering strategic partnership with G42,” said Andrew Feldman, CEO and co-founder of Cerebras. “Condor Galaxy 3 and the follow-on supercomputers, will together deliver tens of exaflops of AI compute This marks a significant milestone in AI computing, providing unparalleled processing power and efficiency.”

Condor Galaxy has successfully trained cutting-edge generative AI models, setting new standards in the industry. Among these are Jais-30B, Med42, Crystal-Coder-7B, and BTLM-3B-8K. Notably, Jais 13B and Jais30B stand out as the top bilingual Arabic models globally, now accessible on Azure Cloud. Additionally, BTLM-3B-8K holds the distinction of being the premier 3B model on HuggingFace, offering 7B parameter performance in a streamlined 3B parameter model for inference tasks.


Developed in collaboration with M42 and Core42, Med42 is a leading clinical LLM that achieved remarkable results on Condor Galaxy 1 within a weekend, surpassing MedPaLM in both performance and accuracy. These advancements underscore Condor Galaxy's pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of AI research and application.

Cerebras Systems CS-3 Condor Galaxy 3