
Resolving India's Cybersecurity Skills Shortage through GenAI

India's rapid digital economy growth is projected to reach 20% of GDP by 2030. The expanding threat landscape magnifies the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals.

DQC Bureau
New Update
Resolving India's Cybersecurity Skills Shortage through GenAI

Cybersecurity and GenAI

India's digital economy is experiencing rapid growth, evidenced by projections indicating it will reach 20% of GDP by 2030, up from the current 8%. However, as the digital economy expands, the threat landscape has also significantly widened, drawing the attention of numerous international hacker groups toward India. This surge in digital activities highlights a critical issue within India's cybersecurity landscape: a shortage of skilled professionals.


Supported by ISACA's State of Cybersecurity 2023 report, 40% of Indian teams are affected by this scarcity, indicating a significant challenge. The skills gap exacerbates the issue, particularly in soft skills, cloud computing, and security controls. With the rapid progress of digital and cloud initiatives, this shortage is expected to intensify.

Insufficient expertise in managing the growing number of identities within enterprises persistently impacts identity security, underscoring a critical concern. Additionally, proficiency in crucial domains like cloud security and zero-trust architectures remains inadequate.

In this context, it's crucial to rethink strategies aimed at bridging these gaps and strengthening India's cybersecurity stance. GenAI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies are becoming increasingly indispensable. They can help in upskilling existing teams, mitigating hiring obstacles, and improving the overall defense strategy.


The Role of GenAI

To address these pressing challenges, organizations can adopt GenAI and ML technologies. This strategic integration provides them with tools that not only bridge skill gaps but also strengthen existing teams, boost productivity through automation, and enhance defensive strategies. The robust processes and people practices supported by GenAI and ML have the potential to streamline IT operations and elevate security organizations throughout their operational scope. These technologies facilitate various advancements, from sustaining the operation and management of daily business tasks to scaling systems for evolving requirements and implementing innovative processes that revolutionize operations entirely. Furthermore, cybersecurity careers benefit from the reduction of mundane manual duties.

Bridging Skill Gaps with GenAI and ML


In the realm of identity security, especially concerning policy optimization, risk mitigation, and threat detection, GenAI and ML hold immense promise. For instance, an AI-driven system can streamline the policy creation process, which traditionally requires substantial labor. Now, this task can be expedited to offer prescriptive recommendations within minutes. Such rapid implementation enables teams to mitigate risks without the need for manual analysis, thereby significantly enhancing efficiency.

Within security operations centers (SOCs), ML algorithms efficiently analyze extensive identity-centric threat data in real time. They seamlessly integrate with security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) systems, enhancing response workflows and reducing the workload on human analysts. This integration ultimately enhances the overall security posture.

Moreover, GenAI tools support graduate-level cybersecurity education, mitigating human-induced security oversights and errors. Organizations can promptly identify problematic user activities—before they escalate—by utilizing tools like AI-driven user behavioral analytics (UBA). Automating system configurations to detect anomalies accelerates the investigation and resolution of potential issues.


Investing in People to Elevate Security

Empowering cybersecurity professionals with pertinent skills is paramount. Initiatives such as lunch-and-learn sessions and online training opportunities can profoundly influence this effort. Additionally, specialized programs like identity security courses complement professional growth and directly enhance job satisfaction and retention.

Addressing India's Unique Challenges


Forty percent of cybersecurity teams in India face understaffing issues and a deficiency in crucial soft skills and cloud computing expertise. Therefore, investing in upskilling initiatives is imperative. Organizations must prioritize training and development to effectively navigate the evolving threat landscape.

Organizations must invest in leveraging the synergy of GenAI and ML technologies alongside human expertise to enhance cybersecurity efforts. This strategic approach helps bridge skill gaps, strengthen identity security programs, and reignite the passion of cybersecurity professionals.

genai Skill shortage cybersecurity