
Some New Data Management and Security Solutions

Synology, a provider of data management and security solutions, has unveiled their new solutions and products aimed at addressing the growing challenge posed by ransomware attacks

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Data Management and Security Solutions

Synology, a provider of data management and security solutions, has unveiled their new solutions and products aimed at addressing the growing challenge posed by ransomware attacks in a press briefing in New Delhi. 


The event, along with the launch of the new advanced data management and security solutions against the rising ransomware threats in India also focused on addressing the evolving landscape of data management and security trends, particularly in the context of the Indian market.

With the enactment of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) continuing to shape data management practices for businesses in India, Synology shed light on the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adhering to stricter data governance requirements. These include data breach notification protocols, data subject rights management, and the appointment of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) in certain cases.

"Synology experienced an impressive 20% market growth last year, driven mainly by the increasing demand from SMBs and enterprises. The surge in demand for Synology's backup solutions, exceeding 20%, can be attributed to India's emergence as a prominent data center hub in the region. This growth has been further fueled by government initiatives encouraging businesses to allocate a greater portion of their IT budget towards security,” said Russell Chen, Country Manager at Synology SAARC region at the launch event.


"The landscape of data management and security is evolving rapidly, compelling businesses to remain ahead of the trend to ensure compliance and safeguard sensitive information." said Russell Chen. "Our event aimed to provide insights into the latest industry trends and emerging technologies, empowering businesses with the knowledge to effectively protect their data," he concluded.

A live session was also conducted demonstrating Synology’s exclusive backup solutions from the Active Backup Suite and Snapshot Replication. This showcase highlighted practical approaches, including prevention of malicious access, backup solutions addressing accidental deletion and ransomware threats, and streamlined data recovery processes. The emphasis was on the importance of a comprehensive backup strategy in combating ransomware attacks. 

Read more from Dr Archana Verma here 


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