Philips India is all set to take on the mobile handset market with the launch of the all-new mobile phone, Philips 535 handset targeted towards college goers and young professionals. The handset with FotoTalk weighs 95 grams with a large TFT display available in 65K colors and features an in-built camera, which allows users to take pictures.
It can also capture fast moving shots. Philips 535 lets users to take their own images with its built-in mirror, which is a circular reflector below the lens, which allows for self-portraits.
Philips 535 can take pictures in sepia mode as well as in black and white and contemporary color formats. The night mode lets one take pictures when the light or daytime surrounding is not so good or in dark settings. The camera can store upto 100 images, its talk time clocks upto three hours with standby time of upto 300 hrs.
The phone features shows users who are calling by displaying the photo of the caller or a group of callers. The Philips 535 is available in brilliant color finish of 'Red Lens', 'Blue Focus', 'Black Fire' and 'Black Motion'. The Philips 535 model is priced at Rs 11,490 and will be distributed across key cities in India.
The company also announced the lunch of Philips 535 BeDJ, which is a music composer. This feature offers users the facility to mix nine tracks and natural sounds that can be stored either as ringtones, SMS alerts or share via MMS Its music mix panels allows users to choose an instrument for each music track, change the tempo and volume of the sound.
Philips introduces integrated camera phone with FotoTalk
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