
QuantM Net Technologies: Solution Champ for Cloud Computing

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face="Times New Roman, serif"> style="font-weight: bold;">Close to Cloud Nine


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late, cloud

has evolved as a commercially viable option for

enterprises of all sizes. It is because cloud computing, as a

platform, has the potential to change how organizations manage IT and

transform the economics of hardware and software at the same time.

Over the next five years, IDC forecasts Asia Pacific spending on IT

cloud services to grow fourfold-reaching $4.6 billion by 2014.

According to research firm Zinnov Consulting, the Indian market for

cloud is projected to be worth $260 million by 2011. Further it is

expected to touch $1 billion in the next five years. Apparently, it

is enabling a new class of entrepreneurs, who do not need to build

offices, distribution centers, datacenters or infrastructure of any

kind, as everything is managed in the cloud. And it won't be wrong

to say, that it has emerged as a core technology with a definite

value proposition in terms of reduced cost and increased agility.

“Within just a few years, cloud computing has reshaped the IT

marketplace and the way organizations acquire and use IT products and

services, thereby disrupting their strategies. It is increasingly

being looked at by the enterprises as a great alternative, as it lets

them scale up or down, save organizations money and decrease the time

to market,” said Rohit Madhur, Director-Business

ByDesign, SAP India. “The successful infusion of the right cloud

strategy into your business approach, including focused pilots into

your overall IT roadmap, will result in significant business

dividends. It is seen as the wave of the future, and maybe that is

why the cloud computing market is expected to reach $160 billion by

next year,” added Vamsi Mudiam, Cloud Leader, IBM India/South Asia.

If we look at some of the current trends in cloud computing, we will

find that today, both the applications and platforms are moving to

cloud. In fact, the technology has enabled the cloud environment to

run even complex business processes. “We are seeing trends to move

tier-2 application on cloud like document management and business

process information management. There is also big demand to look at

back up and disaster recovery data center on cloud,” pointed out

Sunil Chavan, Director-Software and Cloud Solutions, APAC, Hitachi

Data Systems. According to Anil Pochiraju, MD-India and SAARC, F5

Networks, the role of application delivery in a cloud computing

environment is the same as its role in traditional architectures-to

securely deliver high-performing applications

while maintaining availability and reliability. The trend of

application delivery networking

in cloud is rapidly increasing and gaining customer approval.

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Sriram, CEO of iValue InfoSolutions, asserted that CRM, ERP,

security, and storage are already building traction of movement to

cloud. "Platform-as-a-service is increasingly being used by

entrepreneurs to come out with innovative offerings. RIM is also in

vogue, which will get consolidated using cloud-based model,” Sriram

said. Moreover, the perception of this technology as commercial, is

not because of public clouds, but to a large extent it is because of

private clouds and this has had an impact on procurement patterns and

IT investments. A recent Gartner report suggests that, despite the

economies of scale offered by public cloud providers, private cloud

services will prevail for the foreseeable future. Though public cloud

offerings continue to mature, through 2012, IT organizations will

spend more money on private cloud computing. Regina Tan of Amazon Web

Services, however, believes

that private clouds come with expensive fixed cost, private

installation of infrastructure, and lacks all the key benefits of the

cloud. Companies that build these types of internal clouds still own

all the capital expense at the datacenters and incur ongoing high

maintenance costs. Meanwhile, besides security, the other primary

concerns for any organization going in for cloud computing today are

compliance and privacy policies, data residency, lack of knowledge

and understanding about the platform. Performance, availability as

well as scalability and flexibility in the usage of the underlying

technology are also on the consideration list of CXOs. As per the

views of Murali Meenakshi Sundaram, Technology Consultant at CSC,

security and training needed for cloud adoption are the primary areas

of concern. CSC has active programs to communicate about its trusted

cloud to alleviate the security concerns. “Customers are looking

for a very specific definition of what the interfaces are and how is

the service level defined. They also want demonstration of how their

data and access is secure and private,” said Lakshman

Narayanaswamy, Co-Founder and VP-Products, Sanovi Technologies.

Going forward, the market will see rapid growth, as more

organizations turn to cloud-based computing and alternative

deployment options. Also, the government which is the largest spender

on IT services will increasingly understand its benefits as they need

not worry about constant

server updating and can concentrate on innovation. Government is not

just a user, but also a facilitator.

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Contrary to popular belief, the

implementation of clouds is not restricted to large system

integrators or cloud service providers only. Even

lesser known solution providers have joined the fray, including the

likes of href="">QuantM

Net Technologies, who has recently launched its own

cloud computing offering, called 'Qloud Computing', through which

it wants to help its clients take advantage of cloud computing

solutions, including the ability of cloud applications to integrate

with their existing IT infrastructure via SOA-based Web services. As

of now, cloud computing contributes 10 percent in QuantM's overall

business model. Some of the major deployments of QuantM have been a

multinational hospitality firm that chose QuantM to be their

preferred partner in hosting their mission critical applications,

from live environment to its backup on a virtualized performance

computing solution; a UK-based MNC consulting firm has chosen QuantM

to host its IT infrastructure on IT-as-a-Service model; and an export

house based out of Delhi/NCR has tied up with QuantM to switch from

its in-house IT infrastructure to Qloud offering. The

company has also partnered with a manufacturing firm to provide

Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DraaS). Meanwhile, QuantM is pursuing

its cloud computing strategy and this move will enhance its

infrastructure-centric services and cloud computing-based solutions for

manufacturing, telecom ISV,

universities, Internet-based enterprises, retail, including global

organizations preferring to outsource/setting up IT infrastructure in

India. The company is very upbeat over business prospects in cloud

computing from India's price-conscious SMBs. Additionally, it will

keep launching more services and offerings as the market matures and

customer base grows. Some of the other offerings envisaged are joint

initiatives with some ISVs to roll out their applications on Qloud,

along with some other basic productivity applications such as office

productivity tools, and secure messaging platforms amongst others.

QuantM believes that in future, on-premise enterprise ISVs will push

for a private cloud, money and margin will come from verticalized

cloud applications, and lastly, social cloud will emerge as a key

component platform. “We primarily wanted every business to

understand the benefits of cloud computing and the mature services

that QuantM delivers. Using these benefits clients can save money

without giving up speed, reliability, flexibility, and performance,

and will be able to get up and running with our services quickly and

easily. Going by our new customer acquisitions and technical

expertise we surely can exclaim that, QuantM today is moving in the

direction of being a major Qloud player,” said Pawan Khurana, CEO,

QuantM Net Technologies.

Aditi Technologies is another solution

provider which generates 10-15 percent of its business currently from

cloud computing. As a solution provider, it is looking for upper mid

market customers that will go for their own private hosted cloud part

and the small customers that will go for shared technology. The

company's performance in this

space has been going very steady, as it provides an end-to-end offering

around cloud computing.

Besides, it also acts as the consulting partner to the companies in

the mid-market and small business segments. Recently, it has signed

three new customers in this space. In fact, it is one step ahead in

terms of building the frameworks around the cloud platform that will

allow it to develop a cloud solution much faster than some of its

competitors. Out of its success stories, the two prominent ones include

an upper

mid-market financial sector customer in the US, who was looking for a

collaboration solution, which it did not get with its internal IT and

even its infrastructure was not compatible with the collaborative

solutions. So, Aditi deployed the cloud solution through which the

client is now able to do collaboration in a much faster way, and the

deployment also took away all its compatibility issues. The other one

is about a retail sector company in Europe, wherein Aditi deployed

the cloud solution to enable the collaboration between the partners

and the internal employees. Cloud computing is one such solution

which is growing very constantly for Aditi Technologies. The company

will continue to invest in cloud computing in 2011 as well. It is

because the solution provider believes that there is enough supply

for the demand to pick up. “Cloud computing as a technology itself


a lot of sense to the users because either you install the cloud

technology inside your datacenter or

you can rent it with somebody else. But from a pure incentive or

benefits perspective, you will use it

as much as the computing powers you need. You can load balance across

your different applications. It

has lot more benefits in terms of running an IT infrastructure,”

said Vineet Kumar Arora, MD, Aditi Technologies. One of the country's

largest solution providers Allied Digital, is also having a fairly

large presence in the cloud computing space. The company believes

that this is one area where the industry is going towards making

their businesses more profitable.

Cloud computing is an excellent

opportunity that companies are looking at, bringing down their
operational costs from the IT side. Allied Digital has got a very

good jump start, wherein a few of its clients are already on the

cloud and its main focus has been on setting up private clouds for

those clients. As these clients are in the infrastructure business,

it has been successful in implementing the cloud solution at their end.


clients are focused on certain areas of infrastructure and since they

are based out of the US and after the recessionary period, they

wanted to revamp the IT part of their business in a cost effective

way. That is where, Allied helped them with the cloud computing

solution. It gave them end-to-end offering in terms of helpdesk and

support, right from the desktops to applications. As of now, the “We

primarily wanted every business to understand the benefits of cloud

computing and the mature

services that QuantM delivers.” Pawan Khurana, QuantM Net

Technologies company has been able to do success stories for five of

its clients in the US. And out of these five clients, three are from

the automobile sector, one from the banking and finance sector, and

the last one from the insurance sector. Moreover, it is setting up

the private cloud for one of the largest textile manufacturing

companies in India, whose details will be disclosed only early next

year. The company sees more and more contribution coming up from this

area. While only five to seven percent of the revenue comes from

cloud computing today, Allied is expecting 20-25 percent of the

revenue to come from cloud-based solutions in 2011. It is going to

shape up more and more in 2011, in terms of providing private cloud

and tuning it up with the integrated solutions. It will also be

focusing more on providing end-to-end solution offerings. “It is

going to see an exponential growth in the next two years time. Today,

we are seeing

acceptance from the large enterprises but going forward, it will be

driven by mid-sized and small business segments that are going to

derive huge value out of cloud computing. It is now the turn of these

SMBs to speed up and adapt this technology in a better and productive

way so that they don't

need to have internal laborers for IT, and manage the attrition

issues amongst others,” said Paresh Shah, Director-Technology

Solutions Group, Allied Digital. Ahmedabad-based Sai Infosystems, is

also striving to make big in the cloud computing arena. It has

recently bagged a project from BSNL for setting up four datacenters

in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Cochin, and Ernakulam. As a part of this

deployment, cloud computing will be one of the few applications that

will be hosted on a couple of datacenters. The company also believes

that cloud computing is emerging as a game changer from multiple

angles. From the hardware perspective, it will only be an access

point and not a computing device; from the user perspective, it will

successfully lead to computing going away from PCs; and from the

software perspective, the differentiator will be the usage of

multiple applications. Sai is of the view that

software companies might have to rethink their business as well as

marketing strategies. Even the revenue model is going to change

drastically and it will be more of a pay-per-use model. TCO will

definitely reduce for the companies going in for cloud computing in

terms of maintenance, manpower, and upgradation and migration of

hardware as well as software. “We are foreseeing a very interesting

scenario emerging in the future. And we are going to concentrate more

on cloud computing in 2011 and henceforth,” said Kirit Joshi,

Senior VP, Sai Infosystems.



Now, if we analyze the presence and

success stories of these solution providers in the cloud computing

space, notwithstanding the presence of the biggies like Allied and

Sai, one name that clearly stands out is QuantM Net Technologies.

With a rich heritage of providing enterprise-class IT infrastructure

solutions for the last 16 years to its customers, QuantM is well

positioned to be a strong player in this emerging business

