
Sanjay Gupta case - A twist in the tale

DQC Bureau
New Update


SEPTEMBER 30, 2006


The most looked-after case of the Delhi IT market involving Sanjay Gupta of

Gravis Computers, who swindled channel partners' money, has got another twist

in the tale. Sanjay Gupta, who is out on bail, in his efforts to evade charges,

is now trying to implicate members who had got him booked under charges of fraud

and decamping.

Gupta has lodged a written complaint in the court of Metropolitan Magistrate

RK Singh against Arvind Singhania of Venktron Electronic Systems alleging that

the bills submitted by him are bogus and accordingly he does not owe any money

to Singhania. Consequently, the Magistrate has ordered an inquiry into the

matter soliciting the duty officer who was investigating the primary case

against Gupta to submit report in the court.

Explaining the chain of events V Krishnan, Secretary PCAIT (Progressive

Channels Association of Information Technology) illustrated, “Since Gupta is

now free on bail he is trying to capsize the case against him. The learned

defense counsel has submitted a written complaint in the same court in which

Gupta's case was enrolled; challenging the authenticity of bills presented by

Venktron Electronik's Arvind Shinghania. The opposition counsel has raised

this point that Venktron's bills are fabricated and are not the part of sales

made to Gravis and therefore invites inquiry against Singhania. But after

thoroughly examining the case the Magistrate has pronounced the judgment in our

favor. While investigating the case this fact came to light that VAT (Value

added tax) has been paid by Singhania on all the material he supplied to Gupta

and thus there was no question of bills submitted by him being bogus.”


Corroborating Krishnan's statement Arvind Singhania, CEO of Venktron

Electronik Systems said, “The courts verdict has given me a big relief as this

whole endeavor by Gupta was aimed at maligning my image. We have written a reply

to Economic Offences Wing of the Delhi Police taking into account all the

relevant documents that proves my innocence; and in doing all that Krishnan was

a great help to me.”

However, the aggrieved parties of the Gravis Computers case are extremely

hopeful of the final court's verdict as Singhania hinted, “We have full

faith on the Indian judiciary and the efforts that PCAIT members are putting in

to bring justice to the Sanjay Gupta case, since we firmly believe in the adage

that justice might get delayed but not denied.” The next date of hearing of

Sanjay Gupta case is on January 7 next year.

Apart from this Gravis Computers case also had an interesting episode in

which Gupta has accused another Nehru Place-based dealer Mahinder Aggarwal of

Broadways Computers of breaking open his office premises. It was known from

market sources that Gupta had taken Rs 6 lakh from Aggrawal to compromise and

make an out of the court settlement.
