
Top 25 Distis: Ingram Micro India

DQC Bureau
New Update

SILVER CLUB RANK (2010-11): 1

The revival of India's largest ND in

FY11 was largely driven by its successes in telecom, government, and

consumer businesses. The addition of BlackBerry Playbook followed by

the mandate to distribute all BlackBerry enterprise solutions across

India provided further boost. The government's move to fast-track

many of its projects with the view to revive the economy also

culminated in good wins for Ingram-APDRPs, SDCs, other egov

projects, BSF-the ND gained visibly on several fronts. The third

pillar was the consumer business, on the support of leading brands

like Lenovo, Acer, and Apple. This segment could have proved to be

even more lucrative had HP- otherwise still Ingram's biggest

principal-not recorded a dip owing to change in its go to market


Other than HP, 2 vendors-Cisco and

Microsoft-proved to be the game changers for Ingram in FY11, on a

more positive note. Cisco's contribution grew 90% on a y-o-y basis

after the introduction of the CPM model, which offered better

opportunities to tier-2 partners. Tier-1 partners now had to compete

with the new entrants on the space thereby ensuring a more level

playing field and offering better leverage to Ingram in dealing with

its partners. Microsoft injected a new lease of life into the market

with its 'Market Development Program Initiative' for the

upcountry regions. Ingram complemented by getting cities in 16 states

to develop channels and also cater to customer demand. All this

effort culminated into the upcountry region contributing 10% to the

Microsoft business pie.
