
Securing SSH Access - Beyond Conventional Solutions

Securing SSH Access - Beyond Conventional Solutions the methods to adopt in a connected world and Smart technologies

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In the interconnected world of today, the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol has become an indispensable tool for system administrators and IT professionals. It provides a secure channel for remote login, command execution, and other network services. However, as the number of connected devices continues to grow exponentially, securing SSH access has become a significant challenge. This article delves into this issue, exploring beyond conventional solutions and shedding light on innovative methods for securing SSH access in our increasingly connected world.


The Growing Importance of SSH

SSH is more than just a protocol; it’s the backbone of secure communication in the digital world. It’s used by system administrators for tasks ranging from system maintenance to file transfers and remote command execution. However, with the rise in cyber threats and the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals, securing SSH access has become more critical than ever.

Conventional Methods of Securing SSH

  • Strong Usernames and Passwords - The first line of defense in securing SSH is often the use of strong usernames and passwords. This method, while simple, has its limitations. Passwords can be easily cracked by brute force attacks, especially if they are weak or commonly used.
  • Configuring Idle Timeout Interval - Another conventional method is configuring an idle timeout interval. This automatically terminates idle sessions after a certain period, reducing the chances of unauthorized access from unattended machines.
  • Disabling Empty Passwords - Disabling empty passwords is another common practice. This prevents users from setting empty passwords, which are easy targets for hackers.
  • Limiting User’s SSH Access - Limiting user’s SSH access is also a common practice. This involves allowing only certain users who need remote access to use SSH.

While these methods provide a certain level of security, they are not foolproof. As cyber threats continue to evolve, there is a need for more innovative solutions.

Beyond Conventional Solutions

  • Use of RSA Keys for Authentication - One such solution is the use of RSA keys for authentication. This method is more secure than password-based authentication as it uses a pair of cryptographic keys - a public key that anyone can use to encrypt data, and a private key that only the recipient can use to decrypt it.
  • Changing the Default SSH Port Number - Another innovative solution is changing the default SSH port number. While this does not technically enhance security, it makes the SSH port less accessible to attackers scanning the internet for open SSH servers.



Securing SSH access in a connected world requires going beyond conventional solutions. By adopting innovative methods such as RSA key authentication and changing the default SSH port number, we can significantly enhance the security of our systems. As we continue to connect more devices and systems, it’s crucial that we stay one step ahead of potential threats. The conventional methods of securing SSH access may provide some level of protection, but they are not enough to keep up with the evolving landscape of cyber threats. By exploring beyond these conventional solutions and adopting more innovative methods such as RSA key authentication and changing the default SSH port number, we can take a significant step towards enhancing our system security. In doing so, we not only protect our data but also safeguard our way of life in this connected world.

--By Kevin Elias Thomas, Chief Information Security Officer, Ezeelogin

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