
Women's Day Week - May Yang, Global Head Operations, Synechron

Women's Day Week - May Yang, Global Head Operations, Synechron on women's work in different geographies in the IT sector in large and small enterprises

Archana Verma
Updated On
New Update
May Yang

We are entering into the week preceding the International Women’s Day. We are interviewing some women leaders in the IT sector to understand their achievements and challenges. May Yang, Global Head of Operations, Synechron talks to us about collaboration and coordination across all geographies in her role.


How do strategies differ for different geographies in today's times?

May Yang - Business strategies today absolutely must be adapted to the different circumstances in geographies over the world.

The way to ensure this begins with our working policies, that are created to be uniform internationally for all our employees across the world. Within this structure, we then prioritise being adaptable with our business practices to better suit different cultural factors and legal guidelines. We always keep an open mind to modify or enhance our policies to best suit the needs of our employees. The goal is to create a globalized workplace that meets competitive international standards, while still being accessible and connected to the local culture and ecosystem.


Our primary goal with professional strategies is to ensure joint effective development for both the company and our team members.

What are the new global initiatives you’ve planned for your women colleagues around the world?

May Yang - We take great pride in our diverse team at Synechron and have implemented a number of initiatives to boost the role of women in the company. These include -

  • Our DEI initiative named ‘Same Difference’ that launched in 2021, is aimed at creating an inclusive culture to promote equality, diversity, and mutual respect.
  • Our Women Engagement (WE) program takes place every quarter for all our female employees worldwide to develop their skills and propose new ideas.
  • We regularly invite women from Synechron alumni to participate in interactive sessions with our present teams and share their knowledge of the industry.
  • We have partnered with gender equity organisations such as Gender Networks, Girls In Tech and the Professional Diversity Network to improve our recruitment processes and consciously build a diverse team at Synechron that minimises gender imbalance.

How do you devise policies for the women in the IT sector?

May Yang - Our policy process aims to identify different factors that affect our diverse teams and create policies that ensure inclusive improvement. A large portion of our approach is guided by actively listening to our teams’ feedback, as well as adopting data driven approaches to measure effectiveness. In essence, we set goals to achieve for each policy implemented, and measure its impact through data and personal feedback to gauge its effectiveness. This process keeps us aware of team sentiment as well as big picture impact.


 How can women assume more important positions in the IT sector across different geographies? 

May Yang - Women are already rising to some of the highest positions in the IT sector. In the future, I expect to see women continue to take up newer professional roles and challenges by utilizing the wide variety of upcoming opportunities to grow their skills. We are seeing a generation that believes in pushing the envelope and specializing beyond traditional boundaries. It’s wonderful to see how much more confident women have become. They demand for opportunities and simultaneously build their skill sets to do the best. Businesses must build a safe environment for employees who may probably face failures in their ambitious journeys and help them become the next generation of leaders.

Companies too are taking a more proactive role in facilitating women to participate in their teams, which is a very positive development. Welcoming talented women back from professional gaps and retaining them through personal breaks is becoming the norm, with good reason. This is a cause that we give great importance to, our Back to Work program for women where we invite applications from women who have taken a career hiatus due to family needs, education programs or other personal reasons, to come back to work and reignite their careers with us. By investing in accelerated reorientation programs for these candidates, companies will enrich their teams with a wealth of talent.

Read more from Dr Archana Verma here 

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