
Adobe, Microsoft Partner to integrate AI in Microsoft 365

Adobe and Microsoft have joined hands to integrate Adobe Experience Cloud with Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, aiming to simplify marketers' daily tasks.

Bharti Trehan
New Update
Adobe, Microsoft Partner to integrate AI in Microsoft 365

Microsoft and Adobe Partnership

Adobe and Microsoft are teaming up to integrate Adobe Experience Cloud with Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, aiming to streamline marketers' daily tasks. This collaboration announced at the Adobe Summit, will break down application and data silos, providing marketers with relevant insights and workflows directly within Microsoft tools like Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and Word. It will facilitate tasks such as developing creative briefs, content creation, managing approvals, and delivering experiences.


 “The demand for personalized content across social media, mobile, and other fast-moving channels has been exploding, pushing marketers to drive greater efficiency and productivity in their everyday work,” said Amit Ahuja, senior vice president, of Digital Experience Business at Adobe. “Marketers spend a great deal of their day working across Adobe and Microsoft applications, and the partnership provides a unique offering for marketing teams, streamlining daily tasks across planning, collaboration, and campaign execution.”

“Microsoft and Adobe share a common goal of empowering marketers to focus on the work that’s most important – creating impactful campaigns and enhancing customer experiences,” said Jared Spataro, corporate vice president, of AI at Work, Microsoft. “By integrating contextual marketing insights from Adobe Experience Cloud applications and Dynamics 365 within the flow of work through Copilot for Microsoft 365, we deliver on our shared goal while helping marketers streamline their efforts, break down barriers, and deliver exceptional results.”

The marketing field encompasses diverse specialized roles, each necessitating a range of tools. From crafting brand content to overseeing campaigns and analyzing audience insights across channels, marketers collaborate with both internal and external partners while reporting results. Yet, this multifaceted nature often results in working silos across various applications, leading to misalignment and hampering speed and productivity. A Microsoft survey revealed that 43% of marketing and communications professionals find the need to switch between digital applications disruptive to their creativity. This underscores the challenge of managing tasks efficiently within a fragmented digital landscape. Streamlining workflows and integrating tools could mitigate these disruptions, enhancing creativity and productivity for marketing professionals.


Adobe and Microsoft are joining forces to tackle these obstacles. Initially, their efforts will concentrate on meeting the requirements of marketers who frequently collaborate with various internal and external teams while overseeing campaign objectives, progress, and initiatives. These capabilities will encompass scenarios such as:

Strategic insights in the flow of work: 

Empowered by valuable campaign insights drawn from Adobe Experience Cloud applications like Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe Workfront, alongside Dynamics 365, Copilot for Microsoft 365 enhances the marketer's experience by delivering swift insights and updates within Outlook, Teams, and Word. Marketers can effortlessly inquire about the status of a marketing project, gauge campaign effectiveness, track pending approvals and required actions, or grasp the audience demographics and key performance indicators outlined in the latest campaign brief.


Create campaign briefs, presentations, website updates, and emails with relevant context:

Marketers can easily be data-driven without having to go to multiple tools or people for insights. Marketing insights from Adobe and Dynamics 365 will be available in Copilot for Microsoft 365 to create briefs and presentations for exec reviews, reports, and updates. With Adobe Experience Manager Sites capabilities integrated into Copilot for Microsoft 365, marketers can create imagery with Adobe Firefly generative AI or copy for marketing experiences directly in Word and publish to channels such as web and mobile.

Keep projects moving with in-context notifications and summaries: 


Marketers often find themselves navigating through multiple applications, emails, and chats to gather project status updates, spanning from feedback and approvals to work item changes and due dates. These integrated capabilities, influenced by Adobe Workfront, will extend across Microsoft 365 applications. They will enable the creation of notifications fueled by pertinent marketing data, ensuring teams remain informed about any alterations and necessary actions to be taken, thereby enhancing collaboration and efficiency within the marketing workflow.


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